I once said Ryzen 5 1600 was a better value than the 7700K for gaming and last year I picked the GTX 1060 over the RX 480, but neither of those things stirred up the comment section nearly as much as dropping Grand Theft Auto V from the games we test with. Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but anyway you guys certainly weren’t happy, so for this comparison at least GTA V is back. Vega’s less than impressed with that decision though, as even the liquid-cooled Vega 64 loses out to the GTX 1070 Founders Edition – ouch! We’re seeing GTX 1060-like performance in this one. Hopefully a driver update can improve that though I’m not sure how keen AMD will be to go back and optimize for such an old title, even if it’s popular.

Hellblade’s back for another round of benchmarks. Previously Vega 56 trailed the GTX 1070 FE in this title and of course that hasn’t changed yet. Once again we find that the air-cooled version of Vega 64 just isn’t able to pull away from Vega 56. The liquid cooled version does much better though it could only match the GTX 1080 Founders Edition.

Vega 56 matched the GTX 1070 when testing with Hitman but it again took the liquid cooled version of Vega 64 to match the GTX 1080 Founders Edition card. This is a disappointing result for a DirectX 12 title and an AMD sponsored one at that.