The incident took place during the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) Championship on Saturday, an Apex Legends LAN event in which teams compete for a $2 million prize pool. During one match, Philip “ImperialHal” Dosen and his TSM teammates spotted a lone player standing out in the open and not moving. ImperialHal recognized that the player had likely lost their connection. While there are no rules against shooting opponents in this situation, ImperialHal instructed his teammates not to take advantage of the player’s misfortune. “Don’t shoot him. Don’t shoot him, bro! He’s crashed,” ImperialHal said. “He 100 percent tabbed out or crashed or something. Don’t shoot them – it’s Scarz.” You can see what happened in the (sweary) tweet below. ImperialHal rightly received plenty of praise for his actions from eSports fans and fellow professionals alike. Responding to the comments, he said: “It’s the least every player can do out here with these issues,” likely a reference to some of the connection problems Apex Legends has been facing recently, which have led to calls for a No Apex August. Being a good sportsman didn’t come at a cost, either; TSM and Scarz made it through the heat and onto the championship rounds. The grand prize was eventually won by Australian squad DarkZero for the second time in a row.