Although the HD 7770 Crossfire setup provided an average of 61fps, it was just 20% faster than the GTX 560 Ti and 22% faster than the Radeon HD 6870 at 1920x1200. We expected the HD 7770 duo to do better, but they were just 49% faster than a single card. The HD 7750 fared better in Crossfire, providing a 68% boost over one card and outperforming the HD 6870 by 4% and the GTX 560 Ti by 2%.

The HD 7770 saw a 75% bump in Crossfire when testing Modern Warfare 3, making the pair 17% faster than the HD 6870 and 20% faster than the GTX 560 Ti. The HD 7750 was only 9% slower than the HD 7770 when Crossfired, landing 7% and 9% above the HD 6870 and GTX 560 Ti on our graph.